Custom rules

You can also create and use your own rules. To do this, you will need to create a rule and an exception to go with the rule.

To create a rule, you need to create a class that implements the Validatable interface and is within the Rules namespace. It is convenient to just extend the Simple or Standard class. When the rule is called the logic inside the validate method will be executed. Here's how the class should look:

namespace My\Validation\Rules;

use Respect\Validation\Message\Template;
use Respect\Validation\Rules\Core\Simple;

    '{{name}} is something',
    '{{name}} is not something',
final class Something extends Simple
    protected function isValid(mixed $input): bool
        // Do something here with the $input and return a boolean value

The '{{name}} is not something message would be used then you call the rule with the not().

All classes in Validation are created by the Factory class. If you want Validation to execute your rule (or rules) in the chain, you must overwrite the default Factory.

    (new Factory())
v::something(); // Try to load "My\Validation\Rules\Something" if any